Preventative Dentistry: A Guide

I’m going to let you in on a secret…you can go your whole life without ever needing to see the dentist for more than a check-up and a cleaning. Sounds pretty nice, doesn’t it? All it requires from you are: Doing the basics of oral hygiene well and consistently. Making lifestyle choices that promote the […]

The Truth About Dentistry: Response to The Atlantic

In May 2019, The Atlantic published an article called The Truth About Dentistry. It followed an unfortunate tale of Dr John Roger Lund, a dentist who subjected many of his patients to reckless overtreatment. Some shocking anecdotes come out of this story, such as one of Dr Lund’s patients having nine root canals, and although […]

The Benefits of Oil Pulling for Your Teeth —What the Science Actually Says

There is currently a lot of information online and in health magazines about the oral health benefits of “oil pulling”. “Oil pulling” involves swishing your mouth out with some type of edible oil (usually coconut or sesame oil). The technique is similar to how you would ordinarily use mouthwash; however with oil pulling it’s recommended […]

How to Get Children to Brush Their Teeth (7 Steps)

Getting kids to brush their teeth is hard. Tooth brushing is boring, repetitive and good for your health—could you think of a more perfect combination to foster hatred from kids? If you show a child how to brush their teeth and then just leave them to it, only one thing will happen: they’ll forget exactly […]

How to Look After Your Infant’s Teeth (6 Months- 3 Years).

Keeping your child’s teeth healthy isn’t easy. This is shown by the scary fact that 12% of 3 year olds have visible tooth decay. To fight this epidemic, I will explain exactly how to keep your child’s teeth healthy from the ages of 6 months – 3 years old. This will include: how to clean […]

Baby Oral Health: What You Need To Know

Even before your baby’s teeth come through, there are still things that you can be doing to keep their mouth healthy. Baby oral healthcare should start as soon as your child is born. Fortunately the steps to doing this are incredibly simple. All it takes is twice daily cleaning of your baby’s mouth and feeding […]

How to Look After Dental Implants

Dental implants are marginally more susceptible to medical problems than natural teeth. They therefore require slightly different methods of cleaning and maintenance from the rest of your teeth. How well you look after your dental implant(s) greatly affects how long your implanted teeth will last. Proper maintenance will therefore save you time, money, and prevent […]

Tooth Whitening Facts- What You Need to Know Before Getting Your Teeth Whitened

With so many tooth whitening options available to you, it can be a nightmare knowing how to best improve your smile. Worse still, misinformation and the wrong options could see you spend good money for little results, or even damage your teeth and gums. With this in mind, we answer all the important questions that […]

Five reasons to straighten your teeth (other than good old vanity)

Side of mouth before braces Same teeth after braces Everyone, it seems, loves straight teeth. People with straight teeth are perceived to be better looking, more intelligent and more successful in their careers. As damming as this may be about the shallowness of the human condition, it has led to a 60% increase in demand […]

Illegal and harmful Tooth Whitening on the rise in the UK

Following last months post about the legitimacy of charcoal tooth whitening products, we are shocked to find out that a more sinister cosmetic trend is on the rise in the UK— illegal tooth whitening. The current law in the UK states that only “qualified dental professionals” are allowed to perform tooth whitening. In this context […]